خیریه نیکوکاران شریف

People’s Participations Department

Enjoying and applying people’s inputs and participations, social workers of Nikookaran Sharif Charity Foundation perform their activities with an enormous power. In this regard, they inform the public to receive people’s assistance and describe the available services in the Foundation using different methods.
Major activities of this unit are as follows:
A- Introducing Nikookaran Sharif Charity Foundation and explaining people’s assistance methods and its side activities
B- Receiving goods donated from benefactor sponsors
C- Admitting membership of the Foundation’s sponsors by offering the form, registering specifications, and performing necessary actions
D- Inviting the esteemed sponsors to visit the Foundation on request
E- Creating a database of donors and benefactors and public interest organizations and enjoying their viewpoints
F- Presenting various plans on improving financial resources of the Foundation
G- Creating effective management of systems to receive material and spiritual assistance in society

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